Highest Rated Horror/Comedy of 2022!
We are stupid/ happy and proud, but facts are facts. WJHC AM is the highest rated horror/comedy of 2022 over at IMDB with a 9.7 User rating. The movie will find a streaming service soon, but until then, feel free to purchase a DVD/ Blu Ray copy at Wal-mart.com or Amazon!
CGM Proof of Concept Video
As we finish with reshoots and edits on our 3rd movie Camp Smokey, we are planning to take over the world before AI does. 4 Filmmakers take a stand against the upcoming computer hostile takeover in this bizarre homage to Space Odyssey 2001.
Love (or whatever they have) Never Dies!
Murder by monsters, demons and rednecks can't stop this effed up love story. See two obnoxious butt nuts (Kandi Thompson and Vinnie Vineyard) reunite and reignite their bizarre relationship in Camp Smokey in a parallel universe coming Summer 2023 #thehike2021 #wjhcam #CampSmokey
WJHC AM illegal Bootleg Merch From China!
WJHC AM lead Tracy Yaste found these disgusting bootleggers making illegal bootleg merchandise of our horror comedy on Amazon Prime! It’s not right! Where’s my credit card? #wjhcam #horrorstories #bootleg
Big N Funky Featured in the Cherokee Scout
Cherokee Scout Interviews Funkmaster V
Here's an article about Big N Funky Productions, Camp Smokey, The Hike and WJHC AM in this week's edition of the Cherokee Scout in Murphy, NC. When the article says Vinnie Vineyard did this... Vinnie Vineyard did that... include Luke Walker's name in your head, too. Most of this story is 90% true!
The Smoky Mountain Chronicles
Conspiracy Theory Interview
The Smoky Mountain Chronicles movies may be mentioned in a mysterious 1950's travel book called the So Joana Book. Apparently, many of the movies' distinguishable characteristics are mentioned in the book's annotated codewords. Here, Funkmaster speaks to a mystery guest who thinks WE WERE behind a reddit conspiracy theory to market our movies. This is nuts, to be honest. #thehike2021 #campsmokey #wjhcam #cgm #rabbitman #webbcreek #sojoana #sojoanabook #conspiracytheory #greatsmokymountains
Canvas Rebel Magazine Interviews Funkmaster V
Funkmaster V gets to talk jive in Canvas Rebel Magazine!
Funkmaster V & Amber on Paranormal Odyssey
Amber and I were guests on the Paranormal Odyssey podcast recently. We spoke about how our ghost show and horror/comedies are connected to a book filled with cyphers, code words and maps called the So Joanna Book and a community of people trying to uncover its mysteries. Fun times! #thehike2021 #cgm #campsmokey #wrestlingwithghosts #wjhcam

The Hike's Disturbing Furry Footage

Omg... check out the behind the scenes footage from the Hike's furry storage. (WARNING: Prolonged viewing of Furries may disturb sensitive audiences) #thehike2021
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