Monday, July 1, 2013

Funkmaster V on Star 102.1FM/ Thoughts on the Demon

Apparently Kim Hansard from 102.1FM was at EGO PRO Saturday and now is a believer in the funk. She said EGO PRO has hooked her, she's coming all the time now, and she loves the new EGO PRO CHAMPION Funkmaster V. So my friends... what have YOU been waiting for? The next show is July 13th! Be there to cheer on the funk as he takes on his most hated rival, the Demon.
Funkmaster V defeats the Cadillac Cowboy in the fastest Championship Match in EGO PRO history

Cadillac Cowboy's Title reign is the shortest title reign of any title in EGO PRO history. 

Also, his hat smelled like cheap beer and desperate 45 year old women. I don't know why...

July 13th, I face my mentor and old friend/ hated enemy the Demon for the EGO PRO Heavyweight Championship. For about a year, we caused as much damage in this area as a tag team as the Death Row Inmates, Street Dreams, the Encore, Platinum Kings, etc. The Yellow Mist vs. the Red Fist. There can be only one. Here's a moment that started the rift. (By the way- he only reason I show this is because my good friend Jay Perkey gets kicked in the junk by the Demon, and it always makes me smile.)

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