Sunday, July 26, 2020

New Weekly Podcast & Mo'

New Weekly Podcast & Mo'

The guys have had success with their podcasts God Make Beautiful Things, Big N Funky's Ghost Show a Go-Go, and Beautiful Things... but now they have a self produced show on Wednesday nights at 7PM EST through stream yard. You can watch it on their Facebook links, or by going to their Youtube Page every week. This is their FIRST video podcast and it even has a chat room like their ParamaniaRadio days. The guys are producing more content than ever... and their big project is a full length feature film called "The Hike". Have you ever wondered what its like making a movie? Well then watch their podcast. It's not easy!!! 

Mo from the Whirrled of Big N Funky

How to Get Rid of the Hamilton Ear Worm

Big Azz Atari 7800 Homebrew Unboxing

WWG's Top 5 Visual Clips of Paranormal Evidence 

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Filming Day One - "The Hike"

Filming Day One - "The Hike"

Shooting starts today for our movie. Big N Funky Productions has been in pre production for almost a year on this thing. I gotta say, I’ve got butterflies for the first time in years. I’m excited... I hope the work is solid and the finished product is as good as I envision it can be. Praying for clear skies, good audio, on screen chemistry and safety. 

Friday, July 10, 2020



I know you have heard us talk about ASY Paranormal in the past, and those of you who purchased it- we thank you. But now, ASY TV has a chance to get on the a huge worldwide stage as ASY Paranormal resorbs back into ASY TV and launches on ROKU, FIRESTICK, and APPLE TV on July 15th 2020. Big N Funky Productions will have 2 new episodes of Wrestling With Ghosts launch that day, a new episode of Haunted Graves, and 2 new episodes of It Happened to Me. We are also in pre-production of a comedy based show and a conspiracy based program for the network. Use promo code "FUNKY", and Big N Funky will get paid $$$ for the content we create directly!!! 

New Wrestling With Ghosts
Season 3 Intro

Are you sad? bored? Lonely? You got rheumatoids or the nubbs on your jibbs? Let the sexies at Big N Funky Productions flow through. The funk not only moves... it can remove... ya dig?