Friday, October 31, 2014

New Commercial Version 1.1/ Saturday's Match

I had to redo the commercial for TV. I think it's better because I'm punching Brad Cash in the FACE!!! Only Taxi commercial in history that shows the owner committing violence. #BookUptownCabs

If you have ever woken up and realized you were in a tag team, you have probably wrestled Shawn Killebrew Streets of Street Dreamz. The guy is a phenomenal tag team wrestler. In fact, I believe the largest indoor crowd I have ever wrestled in front of was during the TXW vs. SAW war. Detroit Funk City represented TXW, and Street Dreamz represented SAW. It was the most surreal match of my career. There were no good guys or bad guys. Hundreds of TXW fans chanted "TXW" as hundreds of SAW fans chanted "SAW". It went back and forth the whole match. The home crowd didn't appreciate the fact that the Demon and myself won the match... and when somebody from the TXW group smacked a hat off of a fan, the place was torn apart. I was asked to leave quickly, and as I left the parking lot, 3-4 people were chasing my car. This Saturday...for the first time ever,Funkmaster V takes on Shawn Streets in singles competition. It's time to get the crowd in a lynching mode one more time at EGO PRO WRESTLING in Athens

Thursday, October 23, 2014

New Commercial, Dig It?

A new commercial for EVERYONE TO SEE (If you watch crappy cable in Knoxville, that is)

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

EGO PRO Show Saturday...New DVD

"Funk Fever"
The Story Behind Dwayne Windham and Funkmaster V

What can I say? This is a privilege being included in the first DVD of this series. From what I have seen so far (30 Seconds) I laughed out loud. Here is a clip:

Here's what I've heard about who and what is on this. Some great East Tennessee wrestling nostalgia from back in the hey day of TXW. 

1) Pimp Cup Match
Dwayne vs. Funk

2) Beth O Funk vs. Dr. Cancer

3) Record Breaking Match
Dwayne vs. Funk

3) Youtube TV Title Match
Dwayne vs. Dr. Cancer

4) Loser Eats Dog Food
Dwayne vs. Funk

5) Chain on a Pole
Dwayne vs. Funk

6) EGO PRO- Last DFC Match
Belt vs. Mask vs. Fro vs. Dress
Demon & Funkmaster V vs. Shane Daniels & Dwayne Windham

7) Funkmaster V Return match
Open Youtube TV Title Match
Dwayne vs. Funk w/ Sassy Frass

Plus Match clips from:
Spoony Mack vs. Funkmaster V
Barry Allen vs. Dwayne Windham
Detroit Funk City & Beth O Funk vs. The Gathering & Monroe Fayte
Chris Cameron vs. Dwayne Windham
Demon, Funkmaster V, and Dwayne Windham vs. Chris Cameron, Nick Taylor, Tsunami Kid
Team FUNK vs. Team PUNK 
Plus Commentary from Valdean Pouncie, Jay Perkey, Wally Miles, David Pillman, Gene Rosario, Violet Adams, and Dave Jones!

Dwayne Windham- DDR King
Clips from TXW Main Event TV
Dwayne Windham as Funkmaster V's valet

From the EGO PRO's Facebook Page and BARRY ALLEN:

"This....This right here.
you should go.
Trust me.
The road to the tenth anniversary starts at this show. I's a year away. There are some nice little surprises lined up - plus we're basically letting you guys suggest matches you want to head over, rsvp and leave a note telling us who you wanna see wrestle."