Saturday, June 27, 2009

At Least I Have a Nice Butt

At Least I Have a Nice Butt

June 27th 2009
Well, this has been one of the worst months in my life. After crushing the rookie Dwayne Windham with ease, TXW felt inclined to fire my friend, the Commissioner Billy Marshall from a power position that he has held for over a year and assign the responsibilty of that position to that nerd, rouge, hill billy David Branson. He then illegally stripped me and Team Ruff Cutt of their titles, and I cry foul. My team of lawyers are still looking into it. The show on July 18th is illegal, too. There is no way that 12 people should scramble for what is rightfully mine. I took it hard.... real hard.... watch my meltdown...

TXW Wrestling: The Reverend concerned for Funkmaster V

Regardless... the TV show is still strong, and we are moving to Thursday nights. THURSDAYS, IDIOTS. 

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Still the Champ!

Still the Champ!

June 2nd 2009
I told you that I would vanquish the Buggy Boy, and I did. Confusing him with logic and exposing him to emotional distress by attacking his shopping cart with a hacksaw proved to be invaluble, as the time limit draw with a 400 pound man is a win in my book any day of the week. I can't wait to do the TV show tomorrow either. Nothing feels as good as telling thousands of numbskulls, "I told you to believe in tha Funk!" Watch out for me at Big Mama's where I will be singing a Funk classic at the TXW vs. APWA vs. UWA event... and if someone gets salty enough, they may get sme-smashed!