Wednesday, March 5, 2025

March is Big N Funky Month!!!

 31 Days of Funk and Love

March is Big N Funky Month! If you follow us on Facebook, Instagram or X, you will be shown a choice video from the Big N Funky library from years gone by... and who knows.... maybe something BRAND NEW!!!

These videos can range from comedy sketches, feature films, ghost investigations, pro wrestling, music videos, video game reviews and beyond. Here is the list so far, you can watch these videos on the Big N Funky Productions Youtube Page.

March 1st- Wrestling With Ghosts full episode: THE GHOST TOWN of PROCTOR (Paranormal)

March 2nd- Taint My Ride (Sketch)

March 3rd- Top 100 Atari Games of All Time #30-21 (Video Games)

March 4th- Big N Funky Commercial- The Million Dollar Man Funko Pop (Commercial/ Sketch)

March 5th- Big N Funky Win the KFW Tag Team Belts/ Dance Montage (Pro Wrestling Promo)


Funkmaster V at Hauntlanta 

Vinnie Vineyard will be at the Hauntlanta fest in Buford Georgia March 14-16th. He will be selling DVDs, Blu-rays, Autographs, Figurines and talking all sorts of jive about Horror Movies and Wrestling With Ghosts. Come say hello! He doesn't bite!!! 

Strong Armed Robbers- Hotels and Highways

Big N Funky has produced another music video, this time for the all star band STRONG ARMED ROBBERS. This video is for the catchy tune "Hotels and Highways". Please check this out. Fun Fact: Much of the Vehicle footage is of Route 66 and was taken from the B-roll of the movie "Vinnie's Vantatstic Rock N Roll Adventure". I love the shot of the Capitol Records building and when we raced a train in New Mexico.

The Top 100 Atari Games of All Time #30-21

The countdown continues, this time with games from the arcade, the 2600, the Atari VCS 800 and even the Nintendo 64???? Weird. We would like to thank Silverback from the Atari Network for his help compiling the list. Be sure to subscribe to his channel as well.

Upcoming Media Appearances 

Funkmaster V and the gang will be appearing on the upcoming podcasts and shows!

***Channel 12 TV's NCI show- Funkmaster talks about Spearfinger, the Nolan Creek Trail, the Boojum and the So Joanna Book
Available now for subscribers to Channel 12 TV on Roku.

***The Atari Network Podcast

March 9th 8PM EST

Silverback, Funkmaster V interview the makers of the Atari 7800 from legendary GCC

***March 12th 7PM EST
Funkmaster V and Big Luke on Orbis Paranormal

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Big N Funky New Yearzzzzzzzzzz

 Writing for Showdown in Secret City Resumes

Last November we shot the opening sequence for our 4th film in the Smoky Mountain Chronicles: Showdown in Secret City. The scene is a re-imagining of the Legend of John Henry. I have always wanted to film a take on John Henry, and this version includes a dirty wager, the Spearfinger Mojo, the occult, a harlequin, and other oddball ideas that gives the story a new flava. I was thrilled to have so many old friends from EGO PRO Wrestling help out with the acting. Damned fools like Octavious Black, Spoony Mack, the Hollywood Kid, Warren Peace, and other wrestlers like Rashard Kennedy and Kris Bell. Several other thespians, lesbians, reenactment actors, magicians, clowns, friends and fans came out to help out the funky cause.

Right now, we are adding a small dose of CGI to the film. We are going to release it as a short for festivals and to promote the feature film. Speaking of, Big Luke and I are finalizing the cast/ outline/ script this week and we plan to starting filming in February. We may need your help! Keep reading to see how!

The Big N Funky Store is Back Open

A good way to support us is by purchasing merch from our store. (DUH). Well, we opened it back up this week with a meager line up of goods, but by the end of the week the store should have some new surprises- THINGS YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN!!! Please consider buying some jive b/c making movies isn't cheap!

Sam Hatmaker and Emi Sunshine's New Video "Hercules"

We make music videos ova here on the Mothership by the way, and we gotta say that this new video we made with Sam Hatmaker and Emi Sunshine is special. We think it looks good, the girls are stunning, the dude is hot, but most of all the song is a beautiful blend of their unique voices over a haunting tune. Check this shiz out. 

The Atari Network Podcast is Back

After several months off, Funkmaster V and Silverback are back to having a regular podcast covering all things Atari. The community sorely missed their unique banter and insight, and frankly... the sexiness. The above link is to their 2024 Fuji Awards show from this week where they give out prizes to everything from decanter sets, video games, and laminated sheets. I know, right? Stay tuned for official times and a regular schedule... but at this point, they are planning on doing a new show on Sunday 1/12/2025 7 PM EST  about a brand new Atari handheld. CAN YOU DIG IT???

Friday, November 1, 2024

We Back to Rollin'

 Wrestling With Ghosts vs. Proctor

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! The Mystery Gang of Funk decides to camp overnight in the most remote city on the Eastern Seaboard, the flooded logging town of Proctor, North Carolina. Experiencers have said this area is rife with paranormal oddities and real world dangers: spirits, the little people of the Smokies, the Cherokee legend of Spearfinger, ghost lights, forest guardians, wild boars, bears, and rumors of roaming feral humans. There are no roads or highways leading to Proctor, only 2 very long trails or a ferry. Their investigation of the Calhoun House, Proctor cemetery and the hidden boarding house yield interesting results. They missed serious danger from being stranded by the rising waters of Hurricane Helene by mere hours. #paranormal #ghost #ghosttown

Filming for "Showdown in Secret City" Begins!
Extras Needed

Halloween may be over- but the horror doesnt have to end! 
Big N Funky Productions needs extras for Sunday November 17th for their next horror/ comedy movie "Showdown In Secret City" If you are interested, please let me know by emailing me! We are shooting in North Knoxville. 

Our award winning feature films are seen all over the world via Tubi, FAWESOME, ASY TV, Reveel TV, Prime, Plex etc etc. Be a part of movie history in a film about AI and the Oak Ridge Super Computer #oakridge #ai #supercomputer #horrorcomedy

Sam Hatmaker featuring EmiSunshine

We are stupid excited about this indie country/ Americana video dropping soon! Hercules is a great new song from these Nashville cats and we were honored to be chosen to produce it. Follow Sam Hatmaker or EmiSunshine on social media for the deets. #newcountry #samhatmaker #emisunshine #hercules

Top 100 Atari Games of All Time

Big N Funky Productions and Jon Stoll II from the Atari Network combined to create a top 100 count down of the best Atari games of all time: From the Arcades to the 2600, 5200, 7800, Jaguar, Lynx, VCS and even modern systems, but sorry nerds! No computers! Every Saturday, watch the countdown and participate in the live chats at 7PM EST. Will YOUR favorite game make the list??? #atari #atari2600 #retrogaming

Weird Roads w/ Vinnie Vineyard

Keep an eye out for a new ASY TV travel show called "Weird Roads w/ Vinnie Vineyard" as Brandon Bishop chases me around the country as I showcase little known highways, byways  and crazy cool locations that I have experienced during my time driving taxis in the South, ghost hunting, entertaining the masses, and running from the long arm of the law. Show premiere to be announced soon. #travel #route66 #haunted

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

2025... the Year of tha' FUNK

 2024 has been a pretty quiet year for ole Big N Funky...


Look at all of the movies and TV shows we are getting involved in:

Showdown in Secret City

Comedy/ Sci Fi/ Horror

The 4th chapter of the Smoky Mountain Chronicles. This horror/ comedy/ sci-fi movie is the most ambitious one yet. Four filmmakers are forced to comply with a movie executive's ridiculous demands to work with computer AI to create a blockbuster or else. 

Swipe Wrong (w/ ASY TV)

Comedy/ Fantasy

Dating in the digital age can be risky... Dating apps can sometimes hit, but more often than not, they miss. Adam gives online dating a chance, but instead of finding love, he finds himself on an unbelievably mystical and absolutely ridiculous journey that starts over and over again with every swipe to the right. 

Gig Workers (w/ Supermagicboy Productions)

Comedy/ Crime

Danny is a frustrated middle aged man, working as a delivery driver alongside a cavalcade of odd ball characters charged with the same task: deliver food and groceries to lazy people for pennies on the dollar. Danny's dreams have taken a back seat, and his fortunes continue to take turns for the worse, until one day, one of his customers opens his eyes to the possibility of a new life.

Vinnie's Vantastic Rock N Roll Redemption (w/ ASY TV)

Comedy/ Musical

Vinnie is back. After years of "Hugging it Out" on the stage with the band HUGS, the rest of the band meets their untimely ends looking for an artifact that could change Rock n Roll history. To preserve the legacy of HUGS, Vinnie hops back into the van and hits the road looking for redemption in this hilarious van life road trip sequel.

Wrestling With Ghosts 

New episodes of the funkiest ghost show in the lands!

Tabor City Jail, Greenback Castle, and the Ghost Town of Proctor

Weird Roads w/ Vinnie Vineyard

Vinnie Vineyard is also known as Funkmaster V, a pro wrestling, ghost hunting, bounty hunting, bass slapping filmmaker, who also runs a taxi cab company in the south. During all of these decades of adventures, Funkmaster has experienced his fair share of true crime stories, paranormal events, weird roadside attractions and disturbing sights and scenes. Get in loser. Let's go drive down some weird roads.

Spooky Travels w/ Kandi Thompson

A dark journey through history. The spookier, the creepier, the scarier, THE BETTER.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024


 Sam Hatmaker's "ACCENT" Video

Those of us in Big N Funky Productions may be more known for funk and rock than country, but we were thrilled to get to do the video for the new song "ACCENT" by Sam Hatmaker. The video shoot ended up being a blast, even though we were surrounded by cow pies on all sides. It was like a poop-nam out there. This video also features Big Luke wearing Croc cowboy boots and our old pals Fish Fisher and Emi Sunshine. Oh yeah! One of the Big N Funky twins is in it, too: Nick Martineau (Vinnie's Vantastic, Camp Smokey) played drums on the vid. They are hoping this vid gets a rotation on CMT... So say a prayer, ya'll!!! #fishfisher #samhatmaker #accent #emisunshine

 New Wrestling With Ghosts Episodes

The kids in Wrestling With Ghosts are heading to the remote ghost town of Proctor this summer. This town is where Funkmaster V's brother, John Vineyard, ran into a paranormal entity multiple times while he was being chased by bears on a three day hike in the Great Smoky Mountains. This location's history and the lore of the area was the partial inspiration for the movie "The Hike". The team's dealings with Spearfinger were near there, as well. Check out this episode of "It Happened to Me" and await patiently for our next adventure... please.  

Also, a lost episode of WWG will be coming down the pike, where the gang investigated the Greenback Castle in Greenback Tennesseee. It is the most wild roadside attraction you will ever see, full of space predictions, recipes for spiritual food and science theories. 
#wrestlingwithghosts #proctor #greenbackcastle #paranormal #ghosts

Funkmaster V and Kandi Get New TV Shows

Brandon Bishop from ASY TV will be shooting some new TV shows for his streaming network featuring some Big N Funky pals. Funkmaster V's TV show will feature weird roads and wild stories that he has endured during his travels as a taxi driver in the South. Kandi's show will probably feature girly crap and lots of pink. The shows have not been named, but shooting will start for both in the late summer. More details to come!!! #asytv

Big N Funky is revving up to film their 4th feature late this year: Showdown in Secret City and will co-produce two films in 2025: Two comedies, one from ASY TV and one from Super Magic Boy Productions. Stay tuned! 

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Big N Funky Gettin' Down

 WWG vs. The Historic Scott County Jail

The Ghost Biker, Miranda Young, co-owns the Historic Scott County Jail- and she be sayin' this place be haunted. Wrestling With Ghosts strolled up into Huntsville, TN to take a peek at jailhouse life, mob justice, nasty ghost women, evil menz, prudish sheriffs and the history and lore of a jail rich with bad energy and pranksters. And in this episode, Big Luke introduces his new paranormal tool: a remote controlled Fart Machine with "arresting" results. #ghosts #hauntedjail" #paranormal

Wrestling With Ghosts- New 90's Sitcom Intro

Wrestling With Ghosts will return 02/16/2024 at 7:30PM EST with a brand new investigation at Miranda Young's (aka The Ghost Biker) Historic Scott County Jail in Huntsville, TN. As with most jails, the place has an extremely interesting history and many colorful characters, including "mob justice" where inmates were drug out of the jail and jailers killed if they got in the way. But first, a new intro- inspired by 90s sitcoms... of course. #wwg #scottcounty #hauntedjail

Tuesday Tubi Movie Night!

Big Luke, Funkmaster V, and Magician/ Comedian Danny Whitson will spend every other Tuesday discussing some sort of low budget film, or B movie. This will be a live roundtable on the Big N Funky Productions Youtube Page at 7:30PM EST. Participate in the chat! Its like a sewing circle/ book club that discusses the theatrical stinkers and low budget surprises from the streaming service Tubi. As filmmakers and fans of the bizarre ourselves, we can't wait to devour the messes Luke finds for us on there. This week, we spy the simply amazing comedy/ action film "Baby Cat", directed by  and starring Natalie Cotter and Fawn Winters.

Go to The Big N Funky Productions Youtube page and like, subscribe and notify so you wont miss the show!